Pioneer Valley Kennel Club Dog Rally Basic Training, Tue, Jul 30, 2024

Pioneer Valley Kennel Club Dog Rally Basic Training

Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm
Franklin County Fairgrounds Halberg Hall

Pioneer Valley Kennel Club Dog Rally Basic Training
6-week course $150 for the public /$140 for PVKC member

Session 2: JULY 16TH, 23RD,30TH, AUG 6TH, 20TH, 27TH (Note no class 8/13)
6 – 7pm

Your dog should have a good understanding and ability to sit, down, stand, stay, wait, leave it and heel. Participants will learn handler responsibilities, fun heeling games as well as an introduction and interpretation of the rally signs. Bring lots of soft treats and water for your dog. 4 to 6 ft’ leash, no retractable leashes. Students interested in enrolling in more than one session will have the opportunity to build on there skills from the previous session.

Instructor Karen Shockro

Registration and More Info:


For Additional Information: Contact Kathy Berrena at


Franklin County Fairgrounds

89 Wisdom Way
Greenfield, MA 01301